Security & Privacy Incident Management
In an ecosystem of security and incident management tools, Radar® Privacy automates the privacy risk assessment to speed incident resolution
Security and Privacy incidents that expose sensitive personal data are now an inevitable part of doing business in the modern world.
Attacks on the infrastructure of companies around the world have grown in both frequency and sophistication with advancing technology. While malware, ransomware, and phishing schemes remain prevalent, it is simple human error that continues to be a leading cause of incidents such as lost laptops, misdirected emails, and misplaced paper files. And when human error results in the exposure of personal data, it is the action you take next that determines just how quickly and efficiently an incident is resolved.
Security & Privacy Incident Dimensions
When your security team detects an incident and confirms the disclosure of personal data, the incident is no longer just a security incident – it has evolved to include a dimension of privacy. A privacy dimension brings with it increased complexity: is this incident a breach, and if so, which state, federal, or international breach notification laws apply? What is the deadline for required notification? And at the end of the day, how quickly can we resolve this privacy incident so our attention can return to securing our electronic perimeter?
Speed to Incident Resolution
A seamless connection between Security and Privacy teams is critical in order to facilitate the swift resolution of an incident that involves personal data. To cultivate this growing need for optimal collaboration, Radar® Privacy, a SaaS-based incident response management platform automates and simplifies the risk assessment of privacy and security incidents to reduce the mean time to incident resolution.
Breach notification laws – state, federal, and international are mapped to an automated risk assessment that considers all relevant risk factors involved in a privacy incident, programmatically analyzing risk of harm based on all applicable data breach notification laws and regulations.
The RadarFirst Breach Guidance Engine™ leads users through an intuitive workflow that profiles and scores data privacy and security incidents and generates incident-specific notification guidelines to meet compliance and quickly resolve incidents.
Radar® Privacy Integration with Security Platforms
Radar® Privacy features an integration with ServiceNow that provides a closed-loop solution for privacy and security teams. Incidents tracked within ServiceNow that involve personal data and require investigation by the privacy team are routed to Radar® Privacy for automated risk scoring and assessment in accordance with both regulatory and third-party notification obligations. A bidirectional relationship between the two platforms creates a seamless workflow and facilitates the exchange of critical information across teams, who can now work in parallel to reduce decision time and efficiently resolve incidents.
Radar® Privacy also integrates with other security and privacy tools via a REST API, allowing data generated from other sources to automate the creation of incidents in Radar® Privacy. Cross-platform compatibility and integration eases compliance efforts across the organization, and helps provide a more comprehensive and consolidated view of risk.
RadarFirst’s Privacy and Security Certifications
Radar® Privacy has been issued a SOC 2 Type II report, a comprehensive certification demonstrating the ability to keep sensitive data secure. Radar® Privacy has also certified with the Privacy Shield Framework, signifying our commitment to comply with EU data protection requirements when transferring personal data between the United States and the European Union in transatlantic commerce.