Industry leaders choose RadarFirst.

Decision Intelligence for Privacy Management in Retail

Data breaches have changed the way consumers share personal information and which organizations they do business with. When trust matters most, demonstrating a commitment to privacy and meeting compliance with breach notification laws is the competitive advantage you need to maintain consumer confidence.

RadarFirst Privacy Incident Management | This image depicts a young person sitting at a laptop, expressing a smile and comfort, presumedly, their personal information is in safe hands.

Intelligent privacy management ensures compliance.

Radar® is a comprehensive and intelligent platform that secures your brand reputation while protecting consumer data throughout the entire incident management lifecycle.

Intelligent process automation provides consistent, defensible results and enables your team to make accurate decisions based on consistent criteria.

RadarFirst Privacy Incident Management Platform | This image depicts a young person engaging with a laptop computer. Their sense of ease and relaxed posture are paralleled by neutral-tone soft goods, smooth exposed-wood furniture, and a striking fiddle leaf fig plant, looming in the background sunlight.

Signature technology solves for privacy’s most complex challenges.

Radar® is a long-term partner to identify and reduce risk from human error, incident management, and third-party contracts. When the laws change, Radar® updates to keep you compliant, across all relevant state, national, and industry regulations.

RadarFirst Privacy Incident Management Platform | A young professional in casual garb is engaging in a virtual meeting through use of a headset microphone. They smile in satisfaction as if the meeting's subject is amicable in nature.

The fastest way to breach resolution.

Resolve privacy and security incidents with a streamlined, operational approach that cuts your team’s effort in half and keeps you forever compliant with shifting regulations.

A robust system of protection and compliance that scales with Retail

From root cause to incident timelines, Radar® helps reduce risk across all operational sectors to provide a future-proof compliance strategy to build consumer trust.


retail whitepaper thumbnail radarfirst

Data Breach Response: The Automated Solution for Retail

In the event of a breach, what does privacy incident management offer your organization and your customers? Download the whitepaper to find out.

Topics also covered include:

  • Retail industry trends increase data complexity
  • Technology solutions accelerate business – but also risk
  • Incident response: a necessary pillar in trusted brand strategy
  • Building a robust privacy program
  • Protecting your brand with digital transformation


first public ccpa enforcement fines sephora $1.2 million
Aug 26, 2022

First Public CCPA Enforcement Sends a Strong Message to Retailers 

The first public CCPA enforcement sends a strong message to retailers on the importance of proper incident management. Consumer data privacy is not so…

A blue overlay with the organization and RadarFirst partner, ServiceNow, hovers over a team of information technology professionals collaborating and brainstorming while writing on a dry erase board. | RadarFirst
Partner Spotlight


The Radar® integration with ServiceNow enables efficient incident response management throughout the incident workflow, reducing mean time to resolution for privacy incidents. A bidirectional relationship between the two platforms creates a seamless workflow and facilitates the exchange of critical information across teams, who can now work in parallel to reduce decision time and efficiently resolve incidents.

Your success is our success.

We strive to deliver value as a trusted, long-term strategic partner in privacy, always mindful of the trust Radar® users place in us.

Radar® Privacy is always evolving the product and adding new functionality. The software is not static; it’s always changing to meet our needs. Whenever we have a suggestion or a question about an improvement, the people at RadarFirst have been wonderful about addressing our concerns and helping us improve the tool for our use—and for others as well. It has made my job a lot easier.
Privacy Executive Fortune 500 Retailer

Resources for Retail Data Protection

2023 benchmarking report padding Benchmarking

2023 Privacy Incident Management Benchmarking Report

2023 Privacy Incident Benchmarking Report. Download the report for privacy KPIs to build trust and improve privacy metrics.

Ready to simplify incident management?

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